Cooperative Extension

The Grayson County Extension Office

122 Davis Street

Independence, VA 24348

Phone: (276) 773-2491Fax: (276) 773-2729

State Cooperative Extension website

Kevin Spurlin


Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent and Unit Coordinator


Deliver timely and pertinent Extension educational programs, which are a product of research generated at Virginia Tech. Virginia State University, 12 Agricultural Research and Extension Centers, and from leading research institutions around the world.

Extension Agents conduct educational programs that help sustain profitability of agricultural and forestry production while protecting and enhancing land and water resources.

Educational efforts specific to Grayson County target areas of animals and animal products; plants and plant products; natural resources and the environment; economics and commerce; families, youth and communities; emergency preparedness for natural disasters; and pest management.

Allison Brown


4-H Youth Development Agent


4-H is the comprehensive youth development program of Virginia Cooperative Extension. Youth between the ages of 5 and 18 engage in hands-on learning experiences under the guidance of adult or teen 4-H volunteers trained by 4-H agents.

4-H programs develop effective citizenship, leadership, and other life skills in youth. 4-H members are taught how to make decisions, manage resources, work with others, and

utilize effective communication skills.


Smart Choices Nutrition Education Program (SCNEP)


Low-income individuals are at higher risk than other groups for developing most chronic diseases and obesity, a risk factor in many diseases. These individuals also have higher risks than other groups for food-borne illness and low-birth-weight infants.

At the same time, these individuals are least able to afford the cost of medical care

because of having inadequate or no health insurance.

The SCNEP program teach members of food stamp households and other low-income families essential knowledge, skills, and food behaviors needed for optimal nutrition and is disease prevention.