Treasurer's Office

NOTICE: Real Estates taxes due December 5, 2024

Personal Property taxes due June 5, 2024

Grayson County Treasurer’s Office

129 Davis Street, Suite 205 PO Box 127

Independence, Virginia 24348

Local Phone: (276) 773-2371

The Treasurer and Treasurer’s Office Employees

Sarah Hash-Trimble, Treasurer

Vanessa Rector, Deputy Treasurer

Pam Neugent, Deputy Treasurer/PSA & Public Works Billing Clerk

Angie Blevins, Deputy Treasurer II

Tamara McPherson, Chief Deputy Treasurer/Bookkeeper


Nov. 1st, 2023 – 2023 Dog Tags on sale for new year beginning January 1, 2023

Dec. 5th, 2023 – Real Estate Property Taxes due

June 5th, 2023 – Personal Property Tax/Vehicle Fees are due

In the Treasurer’s office you are able to:

  • Pre-pay estimated Real Estate Tax
  • Pay your County Real Estate & Personal Property Tax
  • Pay your state income taxes and estimated income taxes
  • Purchase County Dog Tags
  • Pay your Grayson PSA Water Bill & Hook-up

Currently the Treasurer’s office accepts cash, check, money order and Master Card, Visa or Discover Card.

Credit Card payments are subject to

a bank imposed 2.95% fee.

Duties of the County Treasurer

Collection of Revenue

In most counties, the treasurer is the official responsible for the collection, custody and disbursement of county funds, and for reporting on these activities to the board of supervisors. In counties operating under either the county executive or county manager form of government, an appointed director of finance performs these functions. Tax Billing and Collection Tax billing and collection constitute the final steps in the state and local tax process. In the billing stage of the tax process the taxpayers are notified of their tax obligations, which are computed on the basis of property ownership, business activities, or the sources of taxable wealth. Collection of taxes, the ultimate goal of the entire assessment and taxation system, is the crucial process of converting assessed taxes into actual cash with which to meet county government’s revenue requirements. As the official charged with the responsibility for converting receivable taxes into expendable revenues, the county treasurer is a key figure in the successful conduct of county government.


The treasurer’s books, papers, and county fund accounts must be available for inspection by the commonwealth’s attorney, the board of supervisors, or any taxpayer at all times. Collection of Delinquent Taxes The treasurer is responsible for collection of delinquent taxes from parties responsible for payment. Care and Custody of Funds Like the collection of monies due the county, the custody of county funds is generally speaking, a function of the office of the county treasurer. The treasurer must keep a record of all receipts and

expenditures, and the board of supervisors may request a statement of accounts at any time. Local Government Investment Pool The Investment of Public Funds and Local Government Investment Pool Act, one of many investments, provide a means for local governments to pool their idle or reserve funds in order to maximum return on their

investments. The pool consists of the total of all local government funds that are placed in the custody of the state treasurer for investment. The Treasury Board administers the pool and is required to remit or to credit accrued income in the pool to participating localities at least quarterly.


Once county revenues have been collected and deposited by the treasurer and credited to the proper funds, they may be disbursed only upon the orders of the county chief administrator or other official authorized by the governing body, or by the board of supervisors. Disbursements of county funds generally can be ordered only upon properly drawn and legally issued warrants or checks in payment of claims for goods and services received by the county and represented by contracts, payrolls, invoices, affidavits, matured bonds, interest coupons, or other evidences of obligations incurred by the county or its agencies.

The board of supervisors is responsible for conducting a pre-audit of claims against the county. A pre-audit is the process of checking a claim before it is paid to determine if the obligation is authorized and correct. After the pre-audit is complete, the invoices are then approved by a majority vote of the board of supervisors at their monthly board meeting.

Term of Office

The position of treasurer is elected by popular vote. The treasurer serves a four year term.

Additional Duties of the Treasurer

In Grayson County, the treasurer is also responsible for the sale of County Dog Tags, and reporting to our Animal Control Officer a list of county residents who have purchased them. The treasurer also works with local veterinarians to have Rabies Clinics throughout the county. The treasurer’s office is also responsible for the bi-monthly water/solid waste billing.