Agriculture Economic Development

G.A.T.E. Center

122 Davis St. Independence, VA 24348

Lyndsie N. Young

Agriculture Economic Development Director

Responsibilities: Identify, develop and recruit emerging agricultural and horticultural opportunities for Grayson County. Lead in the pursuit and vetting of new business opportunities in the areas of agriculture, food security, livelihoods and economic growth. Provide technical leadership for the planning, review, research and implementation of agricultural economic expansion initiatives. Develop marketing opportunities for locallty produced products using local and regional events and state programs. Develop and coordinate agri-tourism events with Director of Tourism.

Phone: 276-773-2471 Ext 146


Rebekah J. Roberts

G.A.T.E. Center Facility Manager

Responsibilities: Managing the G.A.T.E. Center Commercial Kitchen and Conference Room facilities. Market facility throughout Grayson County and adjoining localities. Educate public on regulations and uses of a commercial kitchen. Ensure facility is maintained properly.

Phone: 276-768-8162


Purpose: To work with all areas of agriculture including, but not limited to: Animal Husbandry, Organic Farming, Horticulture, Artisan Work, Livestock Management, Agritourism, Agronomy, Forestry, Agribusiness, Aquaculture, Agricultural Machinery & Agricultural Extension.


*Assist citizens to achieve their most ambitious, innovative goals

*Strategically plan for sustainability and growth within agriculture, forestry, agritourism and artisanship

*Foster relationships between the producer and consumer

*Provide strategic counsel, creative solutions and timely, responsive services